Overplanning my summer

(As usual.)

Now that graduate school is over, it feels like summer has begun! (Even though it's still a way's off). In preparation, I've been making one of those ridiculous lists (Melissa has helped) of everything I want to do. 

- Either learn to play my guitar, or give it up
- Read more (and not just articles online, but REAL BOOKS)
- use my sewing machinge
- throw dinner parties
- go rock climbing
- take more photos 
- hike
- try mountain biking, even though I'm afraid
- picnics in the park
- take a cooking class/try to make something complicated once a week
- swimming!
- bake more (I love baking)
- hang things on the wall (I've been in my new place for 3 months and it looks like I just moved in)

Any suggestions?

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