I've mentioned it before, but Matt Nathanson is one of my absolute favorite artists. I never get tired of listening to any of his music, and I've seen him perform live 6 times (I think it's 6).
Lately I've been playing him a lot...at work, in the car, in my apartment. And everytime I hear "All We Are" my heart catches in my throat. Mostly b/c of this story: Counting the Days Until the World Goes Quiet
I dare you to read it an not get choked up. The gist of it is that a girl had to have surgery that would leave her deaf, and this was the last thing she chose to hear beforehand.
I'm posting a live version of the song, because I love what he says before he starts playing about life being short and living the way we want to every single day. About moving forward and also savoring each day. Anyway, I love this song, and I really want to internalize the message and remember it every day. To let go of high expectations for myself, to be 100% myself as often as I can be.
I tasted, tasted love so sweet
And all of it was lost on me
Bought and sold like property
Sugar on my tongue
I kept falling over
I kept looking backward
I went broke believing
That the simple should be hard
All we are we are
All we are we are
And every day is a start of something beautiful
I wasted, wasted love for you
Trading out for something new
Well, it's hard to change the way you lose
If you think you've never won
'Cause all we are we are
All we are we are
And every day is a start of something beautiful
And in the end the words won't matter
'Cause in the end nothing stays the same
And in the end dreams just scatter and fall like rain
'Cause all we are we are
All we are we are
And every day is a start of something beautiful, something real
All we are we are
All we are we are
And every day is a start of something beautiful, beautiful
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