omg that time I disappeared

Somehow a month passed and I wrote not a thing on this blog. And to be honest, I didn't think about writing a thing.

I went on a week long vacation that included meeting D's family and spending time with mine. I'd like to say I took a bunch of pictures but the truth is I left that to D's sister and dad, and just enjoyed time with a really wonderful group of people.

I am still loving my new job. Loving. It's been a long time since I could say that (basically since I left New York), but I am so grateful every day for my job and the wonderful people I work with.

The most exciting thing lately is definitely moving into the master bedroom in my apartment. I really love where I live and now I have more space and my own bathroom, and I'm looking forward to redecorating a little. I see a lot of pinterest in my future ;)

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