It is, in my opinion, the most important love we will ever know.
It is the love the brings a dad 2000 miles just to take care of his daughter after oral surgery. It is the love that makes him into a Papa Bear who wants to break the legs of anyone who ever hurt me. It is when I can hear in my parents' voices the pain they feel when I am hurting. When they tell me they just want me home for a while, because they believe that being home, with them, will help fix what's wrong. It is because they're right about that.
It is a cool hand on my forehead when I feel sick, and a freshly made bed when I come home. It is sitting in my room when they talk on the phone to me, and signing texts 'Love, Us'. It is pictures of the wildlife in the yard. It is coming to get me from college when I'm too sick to take the train.
It is always wanting what is best for me, and reminding me that I
should want that, too. It is being in my corner when I need them.
Always betting on me, even when the odds aren't in my favor.
It is unconditional, unbreakable, and cannot be stretched too thin. It is undeserved, which makes it even better. It is my end all, be all, keeps me going, what more could I ask for love.
Advertising professional, amateur at everything else.

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