Mel recently made a list on her blog of things she loves, and things that she's grateful for, and I thought that was a fantastic idea. So I'm copying.
-reconnecting with old friends
-getting letters in the mail
-watching my favorite movies
-books. all of them.
-feeling the spirit
-when people say they saw something and thought of me
-having my hair played with
-ice cream
-live music
-my parents
-friends that know me so well they understand me without my saying anything
-new shoes
-cozy sweaters
-my teddy bear, Judah
-puppies. and kittens.
-that feeling after a great workout
-checking things off my to do list
-lists, in general
-laughing so hard I cry
-discovering new music I love
-seasons changing
-the ocean
-hearing a song and remembering a moment
-the way fall smells on the east coast
-clean sheets
-seeing people who are happy together. really, truly happy.
-a really good hug
That's all for now, but expect more in the future.
Advertising professional, amateur at everything else.

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