When the school year ended, I had sort of a big Summer To Do list:
- bleach stuff
- mend tears
- clean out gmail inbox
- pick/print pictures
- schedule artsbridge interviews
- quit anthro
- clean jewelry
- book covers
- Artsbridge doc
It may not seem like much, but at the time I was working a few jobs and trying to finish a documentary, so getting anything done was a miracle. Well, I'm happy to say that with the exception of cleaning my jewelry (which is on the schedule for this afternoon) I got everything done!
Now, as for my goals for the summer, I wasn't quite as successful:
-eat healthier
-read more
-find a way to enjoy working out
-take more pictures
-make a movie
-write a short script
-learn guitar
I did start learning guitar, read a whole lot more, ate a little bit better, and took many many pictures. However, I didn't make a movie (although some friends and I did make a photomotion that I haven't posted here yet) and I didn't write a short script. As for enjoying working out, I went hiking a bunch this summer, and I really loved it. I hope to do more in the fall and next spring. I really want to hike Mount Timpanogos, but I'm not sure if I can make that happen before it gets too cold.
So there you have it. Maybe documenting all this will motivate me for my Fall goals....we'll see.
Advertising professional, amateur at everything else.

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