that time I started P90X

Because I hate myself and love myself at the same time.

Because after talking to Blair in Palm Springs about her amazing abs I was pretty much convinced.

Because a week or so after that a trainer friend told me that if people were disciplined and did P90X, she'd be out of a job.

So I figured, it's worth a shot, right? I've been dying to start working out again, but I feel guilty leaving Midasman at home at night when I've already been gone all day. I loved doing Body for Life, and I kept up with those workouts long after I stopped doing the diet (interval training is the best for cardio), but they require a ton of equipment. This is (hopefully) the solution.

Today was Day 1 and I have to say...what's the big deal?

Just kidding. The only reason I survived the workout without dying is because I could do many of the exercises on the floor. It's a little hard to do floor work when a tiny puppy is crawling all over you and trying to lick your face until he gets to the tootsie roll center.

Despite the Midas monster's interference, I managed to get a really good work out in, and I'm sure once he gets used to it I'll be able to do floor work.

Or I will spend the next 90 days with puppy tongue up my nose during plank, and doing push ups with him on my back.

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2 Responses to that time I started P90X

Katie said...

Puppy tongue up the nose while working out is kind of hilarious! Zoe likes to sit on my stomach while I do sit ups and lick my face continually. Also, good luck with it - I've seen some amazing results! (From other people, not me... I'm a wuss.)

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your shout out. I'm so sorry that I'm only just seeing the post now. I hope that it's going well for you. I only made it through about 60 days before the bar exam go to me and I tapped out. Still, it was so worth it. I used to put a little recovery drink in my water to get through plyo because I hated it so much.


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