I love Halloween. Love love love it. Costumes, candy, dancing, pumpkings, creepy movies...I love the whole thing. And I feel like this year I really managed to celebrate the whole month/week leading up to it.
Since I'm experiencing a minor case of post-Halloween depression today (sort of like finishing a book depression but amplified by sugar withdrawal) I thought I'd document all the fun I had so I can look back in a couple weeks and remember how great it was when the details start to leave me.
Halloween movies I watched:
The Canterville Ghost (I know I used to watch this when I was little but I couldn't find the version we had on Netflix, so I watched the one with Neve Campbell)
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (with the ward after going through a corn maze)
The Craft (with Nicolas...even though he didn't think it counted as scary)
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Sunday evening during some downtime)
Casper (once up at Heather's cabin and a second time solo as my last Halloween activity)
Halloween calories I consumed:
lots of candy
jack o lantern cookie
Hot Chocolate
Apple crisp with caramel sauce
candy corn (deserves its own listing)
Halloween activities I participated in:
walk/drive to the 'haunted' short bus up at the cabin
corn maze
costume parties (Tinkerbell one night, fullfilling a longtime dream....and a flapper the second night)
I'm trying to remind myself that my birthday and Halloween only signal the beginning of the holiday season and that I have so much to look forward to. (Mostly food.)
Adios, October.
Advertising professional, amateur at everything else.

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