Remember that time I finished my first year of grad school?
That was this week.
This semester kicked my trash. Seriously. Between disappearing to Park City for Sundance, to silly personal drama, to work intensive classes involving group work (which I hate), this was a really tough semester for me, and I am soooo glad to be seeing the end of it.
It's very surreal to be 1/3 through my MFA. It feels like I just arrived in Utah yesterday, and I can't believe it's been 9 months.
In 10 days I'll be going home to PA for a week! I haven't seen my parents since I moved out here, it's the longest we've ever been apart. I'm a pretty big fan of them, so I can't wait to see them.
For now, I'm going to enjoy the sunny weather and the fact that I'm done!
Advertising professional, amateur at everything else.
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